We enjoyed your podcast today. Talking turkey…It really isn’t all that hard to find turkey in Paris. Just ask your butcher ahead of time. They can source it for you…and there are American grocers online you can source cranberry everything as well as cornbread stuffing kits.
Thanks for listening. Indeed, you can find most of what you need, but I think for me, it’s the effort involved and the fact that no one else (other than Americans) is celebrating. It feels a bit sad, not festive.
Wonderful conversation.
Oh, you! 💕
Thanks, Davie!
Ladies, Haven’t you discovered PICARD yet?! It’s a godsend…plenty of healthy choices for working people to choose from.
We enjoyed your podcast today. Talking turkey…It really isn’t all that hard to find turkey in Paris. Just ask your butcher ahead of time. They can source it for you…and there are American grocers online you can source cranberry everything as well as cornbread stuffing kits.
I’m aware. The fact remains there aren’t Butterballs everywhere— except for the comment section.
Had no idea, Philippe. 🫠💀
Thanks for listening. Indeed, you can find most of what you need, but I think for me, it’s the effort involved and the fact that no one else (other than Americans) is celebrating. It feels a bit sad, not festive.
My American wife fell in love with the place…the rest of the time, I do the cooking! And yes, I do the daily shopping unless it’s a Picard day…
We all need a Picard day and a partner who does the cooking!
Sir, we have, and it’s a godsend, but not every night, no?
I didn't know how beautiful, how good-looking you both are!
Thanks! What a nice thing to say.
It may be nice to say but it’s also simply true.