Hi, there’s a huge wave of people who want out of America but need help in choosing where to go and how to go there. Maybe an opportunity for your blog? Speaking about me as well.

Thanks, Luke

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Hiya Luke, I’ve thought about the desire people have to flee and what I have to offer them. What I’ve come to realize is that I’m not the one to help them leave because I think you should stay and fight. My son goes to school in the US and he’s not planning on leaving, even with his French passport. Half of the US doesn’t want this: we are not alone.

That said, leaving is complicated and brings its own problems and challenges, and there’s no magic pill to end the rise of global anti-democratic tides. Finally, out of more than 300 million Americans only 5 million live abroad. This might give some indication of how hard it is to do.

But if you’re asking me, I’d move to Uruguay. 💚

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As a non-American, this election paralyzed me with fear. I can't vote, I can't have a say, I can't do anything, but somehow what happens in America affects the rest of the world, including my country, and there's nothing I can do about it. Also thank you for the documentary recommendations; I'll watch it tonight and see how it goes.

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I haven’t seen it yet either, please tell me what you think. And know you are not alone; many Americans who did vote are also frightened of what is to come.

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This is exactly what I’ve been trying to tell people. Deep in my gut I have this feeling that the world is about to go through some brutal changes.

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Trust your gut.

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It's devastating. Thank you for articulating the depth of grief and fear I'm feeling today. I know I'm not alone, and that is something in a world that feels pretty dark.

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There is a collective mourning, I think, on top of a sense of confusion over why anyone would be celebrating.

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Your eloquent words are so welcome. My family fled to America during and after World War II and prospered here. Since then some of our children have fled the U.S., heading to Europe and elsewhere, some in reaction to the first Trump term. Now those in Europe are justly afraid of the consequences of Trump’s second term, his dismissal of longterm alliances and NATO, and the green light his election gives to Putin and other despots around the globe.

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Thanks Ruth, it’s comforting to know I’m not alone.

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So so sadly true. Europe is definitely at risk and of course, Ukraine. Well, imho, the whole world. I dare not look at the Doomsday Clock today if I want to hold onto a wisp of my sanity.

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No, best not to look!

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Couldn’t help myself— 90 seconds. I actually thought it’d be less, optimist that I am (tongue firmly in cheek).

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90 seconds! I’ll take it.

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Can you hear me laughing?

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well sadly-shockingly more than half voted for Trump...I am still numb from the first time he won and beat Hillary....hard to get upset all over again or depressed...it's a sad time for America

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I think I’m just numb. I went to bed early last night and didn’t want to check my phone this morning because I knew what the results would be. I live in Massachusetts, solidly blue, but I saw more Trump signs this time around than I had in 2016 and 2020. Trump and the republicans lied their way to this win by demonizing immigrants, and promising to fix the economy. That’s it. I’m really quite pissed off right now.

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I think being mad is an excellent idea!

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Beautifully written...many many Americans are also shocked, scared and embarrassed that this vile man was elected. We truly are two nations these days which is very sad and hard to understand when you live in a bubble like California. For women especially this is a slap in the face. People would rather have a convicted felon who spouts racist, facist, sexist, nonsensical verbage than an intelligent woman who promised to reach across the aisle and include Republicans in her cabinet. Hopefully democracy will persevere but there is no doubt it is in danger now.

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When I wrote this, I wasn’t talking to all of America… just half.

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The second question the head lifeguard at the pool in Pisa asked me this morning (after "come stai") was "chi ha vinto?" When I responded, he immediately countered with, "we are at the beginning of a third world war .. . "

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They’ve seen it before, and they know how it ends. Badly.

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Yeah. Very sad. I was trying to NOT post about the election either. I felt punched in the gut when I opened the news this morning.

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Oh, girl... same here.

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People in the US don't understand what this means. The US will no longer back Ukraine and pull out of NATO. Putin will cut through Ukraine and head for Poland next. Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary have already formed an axis. Trump and Vance will align the US with Putin. I am embarrassed to be an American today. And I am physically ill.

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I understand that...and I live in the U.S. Many people do understand that but sadly our country is so large many don't. I am very afraid of a WWIII

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Me, too.

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Honestly, don't be embarrassed; my friends and neighbours here have shown me nothing but kindness and understanding. They know how populism gets good people to give up their reason and freedom. A Polish friend told me she's thinking about moving her parents to Oslo, where she lives, in anticipation of what's to come.

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Please everyone stop with Americans don't understand! Half the country voted for Harris-we understand! We are not idiots and we are hurting because we know what's coming-we're not all stupid!

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My messages are blowing up with friends asking if they can come live with me. My apartment is nice, but it's not big enough for half of the US!

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That can’t imagine. But what really blows my mind, is how anyone could think that the powers (Iran, Russia, China) which want to undo Western democracy would somehow magically stop at the US border. They won’t. Actually, if you consider election interference, they’re already here.

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