O my god, it is one of the most honest and heartfelt post I ever read. I am profoundly impressed by the way the author felt and understood the real essence, the core of the country he has chosen as a second? home. Especially the words about Kyiv...I am sure what I'm talking about because I'm Ukrainian myself, and every word resonates with me so much.

Need to notice, I had a chance to know Daniel personally, mostly online - except for a couple of times meeting him in the Ukrainian BC Office; and the very first time in 2018 when I saw him during a Mock CELTA class - Daniel was wearing the very funny socks underneath a very formal suit; and not knowing who it was I was just admitted to myself that it was supposed to be an interesting personality, and all the remaining days of that Mock the only one decent entertainment was guessing which color/pattern of the socks that guy would wear next time :))

As an English language learner I highly recommend Daniel's Substack and his unique number-one-book for those who wants to improve his/her English having fun at the same time. It's blend of humor, real life stories and source of boosting English language vocabulary.

Like once Daniel's former college described him to me in a nut shell - "he is a genius, once you get him as a teacher you understand what I mean" :)

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Ah, Zhenia, you're so sweet, thanks for these lovely words. I only wish more people would take the time to read about Ukraine - not just on Substack but in everyday life. Sadly, I fear not so many people care so much anymore. I keep hearing talk of 'war fatigue' but try telling that to Ukrainians. I don't think they can afford to feel any war fatigue when they're facing a daily existential battle.

I'm glad my first impression was a good one! I'm not sure how it all started with my funny socks, but once I discovered 'Happy Socks' I couldn't wear anything too plain and boring 😂.

Let me add something about people improving their English with my Substack - as you know, I started it as resource for language learners. But I think it's evolved in a different direction. Over the past few months, language learners interact and engage with it much less, while I've picked up a lot of non-language learning followers and readers. It's almost like I need to start a separate newsletter if I want to dedicate it to language learners, but I don't think too many of them use Substack. Language learners and, to be honest, many of my Ukrainian friends/followers in real life or on other social media, seem reluctant to use Substack and will instead interact on FB or IG (and often through DMs).

As for me being a 'genius' - haha, no way, but I'm glad you think so 😉

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I hope all your ESL friends join us on Substack. The more diverse the perspectives, the better!

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Of course, I think so! But these are not my words but Anya Shagina😉

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