Great story!

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Glad you enjoyed reading it!

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P.S I actually wanted to answer "no you shouldn't" but hey it's still my native country so I'll change that into a "well, why not?" 😁

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Lisa you are a star! As a Swedish-speaking Finn with friends and family at the Åland Islands I think you pretty much nailed it with your answers. Finland used to have the best schools and great health services but both are sadly deteriorating. Ouch it stings to hear that the Australian schools are better.

And getting a job as a foreigner is a pain in the a** Big shout out that in spite of all, you don't regret your move ❤️

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I’m so glad you did this, as I love Lisa’s writing and “aura”, and would never have known all these incredibly brave and interesting things about her. What a strong lady you are, Lisa! We do such incredibly hard things, sometimes, don’t we. Yet we are all so resilient. Thank you!

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